

“I heartily recommend Jan Dolcater’s book, Peace Within Through God’s Way.. It is a working man’s handbook. The definitions and descriptions are Dolcater’s own life experiences as a believer in Jesus Christ, who embraces His Word.” 

—The Rev. Scott Davis, Rector, Grace Anglican Church, Fairhope, Alabama



“As a mother of three and a public educator, I see on a daily basis people struggle to find peace and meaning in this fast paced world today. This book, Peace Within Through God’s Way provides the A B C’s of how to find the only true peace – Jesus Christ.”

—Jane Jernigan, Three Circle Church, Evangelical, Fairhope, Alabama


“Jan Dolcater, in this well-written book, has addressed the important issues in our lives. He opens up vast areas of discovery into the Scriptures for all who are searching for the truth. Jan uses the power of the Scriptures to give the reader the understanding to fathom the unconditional love of God.”

There is a vacuum that we all come into this world with – that can only be filled with a special peace of mind that passes all understanding. It all comes down to God’s perfect plan of salvation.

Once you begin reading it – you can’t put it down.

—Gene V. Graves, West Rockport Baptist Church, West Rockport, Maine